Children and young persons advocate
What is Neurodiversity?
Is the various ways in which our brain processes information and functions accordingly that differs from a person with a neurotipical brain. At Thrive Together Neurodiverse Consultancy we support children with or without a diagnosis for ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Developmental language disorder, Tourette's and tic disorder.
What is a Neurodivergent Advocate?
Someone who makes sure the child's rights are respected and their needs are met to allow them to achieve their full potential.
Someone who makes sure the child's voice is heard.
Why might I need an Advocate?
If you feel your child's needs are not being met, break down in communication between family and schools, your child is moving school or you require new strategies and reasonable adjustments for support.
Our Packages
Independent Neurodivergent Advocate
This is a 12-month support package costing £1000 and includes:
8 contact sessions with the child, where the child’s individual needs are assessed and strategies to support their difficulties. These sessions can also include educating the child about their neurodivergence.
On going phone call and email support through the year.
For the consultant to attend 6 meetings and advocate for the child, which will include minutes and actions being developed to support the child.
EHCP support if required.
Reasonable adjustments including ‘me and my neurodivergence’ document (this is a document that includes the child’s voice)
A detailed action plan which includes next steps for the child, education, and parents/ carers.
Communication log which will have a record of all contact and actions required.
Independent Neurodivergent Advocate
This is a 6-month support package costing £700 and includes:
5 contact sessions with the child, where the child’s individual needs are assessed and strategies to support their difficulties. These sessions can also include educating the child about their neurodivergence.
On going phone call and email support for the 6 months.
For the consultant to attend 4 meetings and advocate for the child, which will include minutes and actions being developed to support the child.
Reasonable adjustments including ‘me and my neurodivergence’ document (this is a document that includes the child’s voice)
A detailed action plan which includes next steps for the child, education, and parents/ carers.
Communication log which will have a record of all contact and actions required.
Transitional Support
This is support with transition to another school or class costing £500.
6 contact session with the child, to understand their needs and support them to transition into their new school/ class.
To initiate and lead transitional meetings with the schools involved, this will include the consultant to advocate for the child and ensure the new school or teacher understands the child’s individual needs and make sure reasonable adjustments are in place.
The consultant will attend the SEN meetings for the first term when they start at the new school or class.
Ongoing email and phone call support and adjustments that need making for the first term to ensure the child has transitioned into their new school or class.
The following documentation will be developed;
‘Me and my neurodivergence’ (this is a document that includes the child’s voice)
In depth support plan for the school to ensure the child has a smooth transition including any actions required to support the child
Communication log
Minutes from any meeting
Individual support
Hourly rate £50
Packages can be tailored to individual needs
Call today 07708635614